Thursday, February 15, 2007

What TidWiT is all About

Many ask me what TidWiT is all about and what made me start it up. I guess the background of TidWiT's story is the fact that my family has been in the content business for about 30 years. My father had founded a company, which created and sold educational content; and when he passed away a few years back, the family found itself with a lifetime's worth of creative content, but no efficient way to commercialize it.

In parallel to this, I had been finishing up my own graduate studies at Harvard's KSG. Having done a ton of field research in several developing countries, I had come across great studies conducted by unknown researchers- reports indelibly forgotten and buried in this or that university library. That started me thinking. But then when I finished my own thesis, many at KSG recommended that I get it published. Unfortunately, when I approached different publishers, I was told that the subject was too specific for a mass market, and that it meant I had to underwrite the publishing myself at a cost close to US$5,000 (Which was probably a similar proposition those researchers had gotten). What, I already had my work cut out for me paying back my college loans?!!! Surely, there must be a better way for people to be able to publish their content, which is neither free nor through traditional publishing channels. Hence TidWiT...

The TidWiT story is really based on the simple notion that the world’s intellectual creativity can and should be allowed to come from anyone, anywhere, at any time. Think about it for a second, why is it that an author, musician, artist, photographer, filmmaker, even software developer- still cannot easily sell their content to anyone else anywhere in the world? Why is it that even though the Internet exists, many institutional restrictions pretty much remain as to who can publish, how to charge for it, and where to sell it. Why can’t a person simply upload their content somewhere and have anyone and everyone in the world buy it for a reasonable fee and then get immediate downloadable access to it? The answer indeed is why not? And that is how and why TidWiT came about.

TidWiT is all about giving the small guy a chance. It is about giving the aspiring young novelist in Colombia– still too small to attract New York publishing houses- a chance to publish his writings and earn something for them. TidWiT is all about giving the musician from Africa or the filmmaker from Russia a chance for a wider audience to appreciate their intellectual creations. TidWiT is all about giving a chance to the Greek poet to have others as far away as Australia be inspired by her poems. We want to give the young scientist in Minnesota, the economist in China, the photographer in Tunisia and the software programmer in India a place to display and sell their content and creations for others to enjoy, learn from, and build on. In short, TidWiT is all about giving anyone with intellectual creativity a medium where they can publish their content, market it, get paid for it, and even enjoy community feedback and ratings. Ours is an open forum, and TidWiT itself presents no barriers to entry or to content posting.

So, if you have any intellectual content that you worked hard on, don’t write it off, there might be many people out there that may be looking for and are willing to pay you for it. is your affordable global platform to publish digital content, store it, and sell it. Don’t wait, join our community today by posting your content on making your creative thoughts available the world over!

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